

I have had the weirdest summer ever. I just want my normal life back.. lol. Here is a new pixel art scene.


Thank you so much, it's perfect!!


My boyfriend asked "Can you draw a guinea pig stirring a carrot brew in a cauldron?" and I was like, uhh, sure, why not XD Here you go ~



Merry Xmas!!!
Funny but I'm truly struggling with not having a pastel colored site XDD But ok, maybe in spring I will return to my normal pink/purple/kawaii aesthetic. Also thank you Cinni for a wonderful gift today, it made my day!!! I have added a new page "Gifts for me" :3


NEW LAYOUT! It's a bit darker, not so pastel anymore xD This is probably just a phase.. but feels nice to make a new layout n_n


Something's wrong. I have just bad vibes now about my own site and I haven't been making much art.. I hope to get my inspiration back, I'm scared because it has never left like this :( I felt like I had to make a new site and new name because I wanted to leave some things behind. But now I don't know what I'm doing anymore >_> I hate to say this but I want to change my layout again so I would get another try at a fresh start XDD I mean, this was supposed to be temporary after all. But I will see. I'M SCARED! I WANT TO BE CREATING AGAIN! I WANT TO LOVE MY SITE AGAIN! >_<


Everything's a little bit on hold right now because I'm moving. This was my official moving day and I'm typing this from my new apartment. Feeling strange, slightly anxious and off, like I usually feel when I move. I hope everything will be fine. This is a nice place. Just takes a while to get used to it I think.


Added 7 new buttons to Gifts-page ^^


Okay, FoxFable is now LoveTiny! A massive rebranding xD I got too excited... I also got a very cute domain, lovetiny.art! I know the layout is a bit of a downgrade from what I used to have. I made this so fast. But now this one will evolve. Also I got a bit stressed out from having such a "big" layout that looked weird on different screens.. The old one just didn't exactly spark joy for many reasons. This one should look good on every screen and also feels refreshing. n_n


I am currently looking for another hosting provider. I'm not satisfied with Neocities and the social aspect. I will be keeping in touch normally with my friends, by email, chatbox etc. just not through Neocities anymore. I hope I find some nice host ^^ Also the 200 follower raffle gifts will still come, I am in the process of making them.


I'm so sick T_T I have the flu. This is the sixth day I have had it and I haven't slept properly at all.. I'm scared I'm gonna go crazy and start seeing little creatures in the corner of my eye because I haven't slept xD My sinuses won't let me! My head is full of pressure >_> I wish this fever would go down and the pressure would ease so I could at least sleep a little..


Added a little lamb! :3


I have been making a new layout now for at least a week I think. It's so much work but so rewarding! Here is a picture of the layout I had from November 2021 to August 2022.


I got inspired by "Back to school" theme so here is some school themed tiny pieces!!! (So many I know!! I'm proud!! I hope you enjoy these n_n)



Trying to challenge myself to make a small pixel art piece every day for 14 days! So 14 pieces total! Will add here every time I make one:



Added these three miscellanous lil things:



I've been sick for 2 weeks straight..  I wanted to draw gifts but I still haven't gotten around it. Hopefully soon!


I have added one personal work, some links out and I've been updating my Animal Crossing journal! By the way guys, I'm always open for button exchange so just let me know in my message box!! n_n Also I have now learned how to make seamless patterns. I might try to make pixel ones and give them as freebies here. AND when I reach 100 followers on Neocities I will make little gifts for my followers there!


Happy New Year 2022!! I have been quite busy now with IRL stuff and work and building new habits and new me for this year. I haven't really had time for much art or updating but soon I'm gonna be creating again. I hope everyone are doing well! :3


Aha, the thing has been created!!!! I was sad about not having a nice pixel art forum, and lovely RoseDryad felt the same way.. she created a pixel art forum and together we will revive the cute pixel art community!! Here we go!! Come join us n_n


I can't help but feel a bit sad because I really wish I had a place where I could connect with other pixel artists :( Actually revive the cute pixel art community. Or just find some people like me. Like there used to be cool forums and other cool stuff.. I want something playful, cute and fun. Neocities has helped me the most because the community has a lot of people who appreciate pixel art - thank you neocities - but also I feel bitter because I wasn't around during the "golden era" of kawaii/cute pixel art..

I'm just gonna continue what I'm doing, gonna get better at pixel art and I don't know, maybe create a new forum or something if there's people who are interested :)


Fun stuff has been added, for example Teeny Towers and the Quilt! Check them out, let's exchange :)

Also my about me-page got some new stuff, a photo of me and my guinea pigs and some more info! Yay. I have also been adding art here and there but nothing mindblowing, just small things. I have been planning Christmas and been buying gifts, and I have been working from home because everyone are sick and I don't wanna catch anything :( I hope to stay healthy. I have almost gotten sick 3 times already this autumn and my body has been able to fight back, thankfully lol.


Whew.. I have been making a new layout for FoxFable and it has been SO much work but I think it's turning out nice. The navigation was a good challenge for me. Maybe the hardest part was to figure out what I want and create a nice design. It took me so long lol. I was looking at some nice nostalgic pictures on Pinterest and I found a cute screenshot of Hamsterz game I had when I was a kid. So this new layout is based on the colors from that screenshot! Also here is a picture of how this website used to look like before the update, so I will not forget.. :) Click on it to see.

I thought it was cute but I wanted a new challenge again and I think this new one is better! Hopefully you guys like the new one too.


I created one new piece, it has been a while ^^; You can find it in Scenes.


I have been updating a bit of this and that! Now the website has a new font. I added a mascara to Miscellaneous.


Added two phones to Miscellaneous! I think they turned out pretty good! I'm trying to add a little bit of animation to every work.


I added a key to Miscellaneous. I'm looking for more people(websites) to do banner exchange with!


I added a new banner, the one with the fox silhouette ^^ I also added some new squishmallows to Animals. Will probably add something more tonight.


The site is finally slowly starting to look like how I want it! And now I have a cute domain name as well (foxfable.fun). Today I added two new pieces: Boombox to Miscellaneous and Manta Ray scene to Scenes. I also added a new page for my personal art!